Euphoria Issues Loom, Oscars and Trash TV | Costuming Lately March 2022

Questionable television, knitting patterns, and, of course, Euphoria.

It’s that wonderful, weird, and argumentative time of year: Award Season. Something to distract us from the cold and dreary weather, at least in my neck of the woods. Besides the short list of ‘worthy’ films and TV, I’ve been using the winter months to watch a weird concoctions of prestige TV, absolute trash that feels addictive, and nostalgic (also trash) hits from my teen years. Suffice to say, this month’s roundup is a little weird, but who’s life hasn’t been lately?

As far as the Oscars go, the list this year didn’t excite me that much (maybe we were too spoiled last year?) I haven’t seen Cyrano yet, but the other nominations range from disappointing to personally disinterested. Plus, I’m still a little bitter that The Green Knight got nothing!

Of course, I’m still curious to know what everyone else thinks of the short list — personally I think Paul Tazewell for West Side Story is going to take it home. Choose your pick in the poll below.

1. The talk of the town is clearly Euphoria, and while the makeup and chaotic plot certainly deserve some discussion, let’s not forget about the clothes! This list from Maria Bobila takes us through the standout looks of season 2.

There’s this little moment where designer Heidi Bivens mentions dressing Lexi “politically correct,” and I think there’s a bigger conversation there on dressing teen characters in a “sexy” manner that we’ll have to confront sooner or later.

2. During my little hiatus I also caved and watched all of Emily in Paris … let’s just say I sympathize with the Parisians in this piece from Marina Khorosh.

3. This is the kind of niche, extreme-sport TV watching I enjoy from my soul sister Dianna Mazzone at Allure.

4. 99% of the time the internet makes me feel like community is dead, but then I see something like this Knives Out “Handsome Chris” knitting pattern lovingly created by Caryn Shaffer just out in the world for anyone to use, and I feel a little better.

5. Never sick of celebrating The Nanny‘s iconic style thanks to Donya Momenian at Teen Vogue. I really hope her matching sets come back to the retail space soon *fingers crossed.*

6. Another addition to the trash pile, I watched all of And Just Like That .. and let’s just focus on my favorite look of the series.

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